
Showing posts from June, 2021

Social class discussions

  Class distinction     Alas, we have this expression in our country. It causes a lot of problem , and one of these problems are the underestimate people who are from the lower class . However, there are persons do not accept any suitors from the lower class , and some of them trying to broke this rules that created from the arrogant folks. Once upon the time my friend has narrated me a story of his beloved. She is from the high class and has anything she wants , but that guy is not able to avail anything to her except his love for her and the needs of life. She agreed to go along with him but lately when he paid a visit to her family in order to make sure that everything will be accepted. He got shock because her family and even they have the audacity to utter bad words. Even though, he  kept silent and went. Ultimately, she suffered a lot and married a guy who was hurt her every single day , and all of this due to her family.        Have you ever heard such a story ?    Do you think

The concept of love

  Love     word “ love”  affects   several people , even they considered love just for exchanging emotions between two persons. But, it does have a lot of meaning, to love someone as a relationship you have to accept him in your mind at  first and  see what are the positive sides and what the negative ones. Anybody can use the word” love” for everyone, but it has  different perspectives. So you must differentiate between love as a relationship and the word” love” itself . We need to recognize that people who live in Iraq are not able to use the word “love” to someone that they really love him or her as a friend or as a person due they think  differently.  However, if you love someone as a partner for the rest of your life you should accept his thoughts, ideas , and opinions not love him as a  possessive love because  humans  can not be possessed.        Have you ever loved someone as a girlfriend or boyfriend then you confessed to him , and what he or she replied?    Did you love someo

second day “awareness”

 The effects of  using phones on children :  We know that parents like to make the children happy as much as they can , doing everything that could please them . And sometimes if their children are nosying,  parents tends to give their phones to their children in order to make them tranquility. By the time passing we notes that the children used to spend their time by using phone , to the extent they would like to keep crying until they get the phones . So Iraq people used to give their phones to their children on purpose of made them quiet. But the forgot phone’s effect on children, they may caused them failure to do their tasks or even made them laziness. However, they fill their minds with bad things. And when the children keep growing maybe his behaviour will get worse that some children will even not being abide by the instructions of their parents, not respecting each other , fighting, harassed when grew and the vital is keep falling due their minds have been occupied by the  bad

First day ( I wrote this speech in my own style)

 Making education simple for learners  We all know that Iraq’s education is constantly being declined , and most of us had set the ideas of not being employed unless you go to medical sections . However, the way of Education is about how to be cruel not being wiser. As I am future teacher I would do my best to make the education more simplistic and fun , also, the best thing you can ever do is trying to use many activities while you learn student.teachers should focus on the language itself not just a grammar and the examinations . Students will get annoyed and feel the complexity of language and that will lead him to lose his enthusiasm towards the target language . You should hear your students out , trying to ask funny questions in English at first just to make them feel in love with English or any language you study, try to find the best way to make your students as best you can and raise a question out of syllabus and ask them to search.  Have you ever wondered why students lack E

تحدي ٢٩ يوم

 مرحبا ... انا نبيل مواليد ٩٩ ، من محافظة بابل ، طالب في جامعة واسط ( التخصص، قسم اللغة الانكليزية ، المرحلة الثالثة )  سأتحدى نفسي في تطوير اللغة الانكليزية من خلال التطرق الى المشاكل التي يتعرض لها الفرد في المجتمع ( اي سأقوم بالبحث باللغة الانكليزية وما يصادفني من مفردات جديده سأحفضها ، وبذلك سأكتسب مفردات ومعرفة في نفس الوقت )  سيكون الجدول اليومي كالآتي  اولا في كل يوم سأقوم بالبحث في اللغة الانكليزية عن مشكلة وكيفية ايجاد الحلول المناسبة لها  ثانيا سأقوم بحفظ مفردات جديدة كل يوم بحسب ما يتم البحث علية حتى وان كان اكثر من مئة مفرده خلال اليوم الواحد  ثالثا سأقوم بصياغة ما اتعلمة من تعابيري الخاصة ( لمعرفة فيما اذا كان هنالك استخدام صحيح الى المفردات او لا )  رابعا سأقوم بممارسة اللغة ساعة كل يوم مع الاصداقاء او مع نفسي  اللغة الانكليزية تفتح الكثير من الافاق بما في ذلك التعرف على مجتمعات ، ثقافات وتقاليد اخرى ولا ننسى اهميتها الكبيرة في كل امور الحياة  ( كشخص لا يمكنك التقديم على شيء اذا لم يكن لديك لغة انكليزية  ) 

Hi world, I am here to stand on a stage of learning English and knowledge about how we could deal with problems and find the best kind of solutions